Now, if you are facing the same error, this guide will help. Try out the fixes we have mentioned and get rid of the error.

What causes the Unable to start the game error on Ubisoft Connect?

There can be different reasons for the error that are:

It can be caused because of missing due administrator privilege to run the game. Hence, try launching the launcher with administrator rights to fix the error.The error can be triggered due to a compatibility issue with a particular game. So, you can run the launcher in compatibility mode to resolve the error.It can also be triggered due to outdated and faulty graphics drivers. So, make sure you have updated your graphics drivers to the latest version.It can also occur if you are dealing with corrupted game files. In that case, verify the game files to fix the error.Another potential cause can be the fact that your antivirus is blocking the game from launching. So, disable your antivirus and see if the error is fixed or not.One more reason can be the corrupted Ubisoft Connect cache. If the scenario is applicable, clear the cache files to fix the error.If the installation of the Ubisoft Connect client is corrupted, you might encounter this error. Hence, try reinstalling the launcher application and see if the error is fixed or not.

Unable to start the game on Ubisoft Connect

Here are the methods you can try to fix the Unable to start the game or Unable to locate game error on Ubisoft Connect (UPlay or Ubisoft Game Launcher): Let us discuss the above solutions in detail now!

1] Launch Ubisoft Connect as an administrator

The error “Unable to start the game” might be triggered due to Ubisoft Connect missing the due administrator rights to launch the game. If the scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the error by simply launching the Ubisoft Connect client as an administrator. This is the first thing you should do before trying any advanced fix to resolve it. To run Ubisoft Connect with admin rights, simply locate the Ubisoft Connect executable file and right-click on it. Next, select the Run as an administrator option from the context menu and then try launching the game. See if this fixes the error for you. If yes, you can make Ubisoft Connect run as an administrator always using the below steps: If the error still persists, you can try the next potential fix.

2] Run Ubisoft Connect in Compatibility mode

If the above solution doesn’t work, you can try running Ubisoft Connect in Compatibility mode in addition to the above fix. This might work for you in case the error is occurred due to some compatibility issue while launching a particular game. So, try running the launcher in compatibility mode and see if the error is fixed or not. Here is how you can do that: In case the error still shows up, we got some more fixes for you. So, move down to the next potential solution to get rid of it.

3] Update GPU card drivers

The gamers are aware of the fact that graphics drivers play a vital role in playing video games pm PC. It is extremely important to keep your graphics drivers up-to-date to avoid running into a launch error and other errors for games. Now, if this error is caused due to outdated or corrupted graphics drivers, you should be able to fix it by updating your graphics drivers. You can try one of the below methods to update graphics drivers on Windows 11/10: When done updating GPU card drivers, run the launcher and then try launching the game that was previously giving your the error. See if the error is fixed or not. If not, you can move on to the next solution to resolve the issue.

4] Verify the game files

The error at hand can be caused if you are dealing with corrupted game files. In case you are facing this error with a specific game, you can try verifying the game files to fix the error. Here are the steps to do that:

5] Temporarily disable your antivirus

Your antivirus might be preventing the game from launching and thus causing the error at hand. If the scenario is applicable, try disabling your antivirus and then see if the error is fixed or not. If the error is fixed, you can be sure that your antivirus was causing the error. So, you can try adding the Ubisoft Connect executable file to the exception/exclusion list of your antivirus.

5] Clear the Ubisoft Connect cache

If the error is caused due to corrupted temporary configurations and preferences (cache files) associated with Ubisoft Connect, you can try clearing the cache to fix the error. Here is how to do that: If the problem still occurs, you can follow the next potential fix.

6] Reinstall the Ubisoft Connect client

This error might be a result of the corrupted installation of the Ubisoft Connect client. So, if the scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the error by reinstalling Ubisoft Connect. For that, first, uninstall Ubisoft Connect by going to Settings > Apps > Apps & features. And then, visit the official website of Ubisoft and download the game launcher. You can run the installer and follow the onscreen guide to install the Ubisoft Connect client on your PC.

How do I fix Ubisoft games not starting?

The reason that Ubisoft games are not starting or launching may vary for individuals. It can be caused due to outdated graphics drivers, compatibility issues, missing administrator rights, or corrupted cache files.

Why can’t I play my Ubisoft games?

If you are unable to play Ubisoft games, there might be some issue with your Ubisoft Connect. Try reinstalling the launcher to fix the problem. Now read: Fix Ubisoft Connect app not working on Windows PC.

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